What is a Climate Cafe
Time for a collective deep breath of connection; so many of you are working everyday on action. Take a break in community.
A space for exploration of thoughts, feelings and experiences rather than what we are DOING about the climate crisis.
An informal, open, respectful, confidential space to safely share emotional responses and reactions related to the climate and environmental emergency (i.e. a “container”).
A reflective circle experience - a haven from usual busyness and activity.
Not designed to lead participants to any conclusion or toward action (actions can be discussed, but reflection is paramount).
An inclusive space where everyone is welcome to join the conversation. There is no need to be an expert, all perspectives are welcomed!
Climate Cafe Carbondale is a space to come together to pause from the action and listen to each other in a facilitated circle reflection.
RSVP for Next Climate Cafe
Monthly 90 minute facilitated gatherings of no more than 20 people. Bring your own snacks and/or drinks.
CANCELLED - Saturday, January 11, 4:00-5:30pm, Carbondale